General Acupuncture
Acupuncture is the insertion of tiny, hair-thin needles into acupuncture points on the body. It stimulates your body’s Qi, which then sends signals to the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems telling them how to inhibit pain and/or resolve disease processes. Qi is the energy that we use to move our body or for our organs to carry on their functions.
Similar to blood, lymph or nerve that flow in a vessel system, in Eastern medicine qi circulates in our body through a vessel system which is called Acupuncture meridians or channels. Along the channels are acupuncture points. The acupuncturist inserts needles into acupuncture points to stimulate the qi in the channel.
The focus of Western scientific research to explain the mechanism of acupuncture has been on pain relief. Nerve fibers travel from acupuncture points in the extremities to the spinal cord. Then, traveling through the spinal nerve column, they continue to the brainstem and hypothalamus-pituitary gland. Stimulation of these areas in the brain and spinal cord cause the release of neurotransmitters such as endorphins, norepinephrine and enkephalins that cause inhibition of nerve pain fibers, effectively blocking the transmission of pain sensations.
B-endorphin is a natural opiate produced in the body; 10-100 times more potent than morphine. It circulates for several hours when released. Dynorphins are an extremely powerful opiate, 200 times stronger than morphine. Dynorphins are released in the spinal cord when electro-stimulation (e-stim) is applied to acupuncture points.
The World Health Organization and the FDA honor and support acupuncture and the proven use of it in the United States and worldwide.
"E-Stim" uses a tens unit to stimulate the needles for a deeper connection. The micro-current helps decrease pain and breakup knots and crimps in the body.
Pain results from the congestion, stagnation, and blockage of Qi, or vital energy, vital fluids, lymph, phlegm, and blood. Cupping is therefore a method of breaking up the blockage to restore the body’s natural flow of energy.
A reverse suction is applied to the skin’s surface, allowing for increased lymphatic drainage and detoxification to occur, as well as an increase in blood flow to problematic areas. This therapy is fantastic for combating sports injuries, stiffness, muscular pain and inflammation, respiratory illnesses, and even seasonal allergies. The increase in blood and lymphatic flow can also promote a sense of calm, making cupping an excellent alternative for anxiety and sleep issues as well.
Gua Sha
Gua sha is the practice of using a tool to apply pressure and scrape the skin to relieve pain and tension. This action causes light bruising, which often appears as purple or red spots known as petechiae or sha.
The name gua sha — pronounced gwahshah — comes from the Chinese word for scraping. It may also be called skin scraping, spooning, or coining.
The therapeutic warmth that comes from burning this Traditional Chinese herb called Mugwort. Mugwort, or artemisia, is a flowering plant in the daisy family.
It is an excellent adjunct for conditions related to inflammation, muscular pain, sluggish circulation, and women’s health conditions, such as PMS, ovarian fibroids and fertility issues.
Ear Seed
In Eastern medicine, the ear is considered a microsystem: A representation of the whole body.
Ear seeds are used to stimulate acupuncture points in the ear, by providing a constant stimulation. Since the ear is a Microsystem of the entire body, ear seeds can be used to address a wide variety of issues. Pressing on the seeds helps to stimulate the point more intensely and thereby stimulate the underlying nerves. This sends a stronger message through the neural pathways and helps to modulate the desired effect.
Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic acupuncture (Facial acupuncture/ Facial Rejuvenation) is an anti-aging natural treatment that uses Eastern Medicine to improve both your skin’s look while simultaneously boosting your overall health. Cosmetic acupuncture can be done with small facial needles, a micro-needling pen, or a nano-needling pen. Cosmetic acupuncture is a safe and effective alternative to Botox. Cosmetic acupuncture activates your bodies internal healing system within the skin layers. Cosmetic Acupuncture can help make your skin look brighter, plumper and more lifted. Other benefits include reduced fine lines and wrinkles, improved skin tone, elasticity, it also tightens and tones facial muscles.
In addition to the local facial needling, body acupuncture points are included in the session to nourish the entire body and treat the "root" cause of facial and aesthetic concerns.
Cosmetic Acupuncture compare Vs Botox / fillers
Botox keeps your skin smooth by injecting a neuro toxin under your skin and paralyzing underlying musculature. Facial acupuncture activates your bodies incredible healing system to improve complexion by triggering micro-trauma to the skin, resulting in firmer skin, reduction in wrinkles and tightening of jowls due to an increase in blood flow and production of collagen and elastin. It is typical for acupuncture patients to report other benefits, including more restful sleep (which is key for anti-aging!), improved digestion and energy levels, and a sense of overall improved wellness.
Botox has greater risk of side effects including risk of undesired, unnatural results - asymmetries or loss of movement with Botox and fillers.
Acupuncture, on the other hand, has very few potential adverse effects when done by an experienced practitioner. There is no risk of a ‘bad’ result because it promotes the body’s own ability to heal and stay radiant instead of changing how the body works. This leads to more natural results and graceful skin aging.
Finally, your doctor will always address your bodies root deficiencies. Body acupuncture points will be added to improve your overall health, energy and sleep. To treat the face without treating underlying concerns is counterproductive; results will be shorter-lived, and the root causes of dull, aging skin will not be addressed.
LED light Therapy
LED (light-emitting diode) light therapy is a non-invasive treatment that enters the skin’s layers to improve the skin by increasing production of collagen, naturally. It can be used for fine lines and wrinkles, acne, sun damage, wounds, and other skin problems.
Different colors of LED light therapy treat different conditions and concerns:
RED LIGHT: Anti-aging, improve scarring and wrinkles, reduce inflammation and increase collagen and elastin production, it also eases pain
BLUE LIGHT: Affect the uppermost layer of the skin, treats acne, kills acne-causing bacteria
GREEN LIGHT: Skin balancer, promotes wound healing
YELLOW LIGHT: Penetrate deeper and treat redness from inflammation, sunburn, and rosace
PURPLE LIGHT: Increase cell regeneration and renewal
Micro-needling (aka collagen-induction therapy) is a nonsurgical treatment that
penetrates your skin’s surface with tiny needles to improve its appearance. Micro- Needling is the insertion of very fine short needles into the skin for the purpose of rejuvenation. The premise is simple; create a small wound and the skin will respond with collagen production and new skin cells. Depending on the depth of the needle penetration, this can offer skin rejuvenation levels from the simple enhancement of product absorption to the clinical treatment of scars and wrinkles.
Benefits of Micro-needling
Micro-needling reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, decreases the
size of pores, increases production of collagen and elastin, reduces the appearance of acne scarring, brightens and evens skin tone, reduces the appearance of sun damage, particularly hyperpigmentation and age spots, and reduces the appearance of scars and stretch marks.
Nano-needling uses the same type of oscillating motion to treat the skin, but the cartridge encompasses 81 silicone tips instead of needles. These microscopic hair-like cones separate the cells within the epidermis to allow active products to be pushed into the skin. Nano-needling only affects the epidermis, treating within the upper .15 mm of the skin. The benefits of this serum infusion treatment include pigmentation reduction, increased cell turnover, skin rejuvenation and an immediate glow with no downtime. This treatment can be done weekly to exfoliate the skin.
Nano needling is recommended for people sensitive to micro-needling and the elderly. The services are the same as the micro-needling service except a nanoneedle is used instead of a microneedle.